Tuesday, June 27, 2006

"Don't make me stop this car!...I swear I will!...Hey, you kids back there....Stop it!...Damn it, I'll turn this sucker around right now!!:

Ah, summertime.

Musings following the most beautiful early summer day in the history of Maine:


Red's Eats Update: Traffic flowed very smoothly through Wiscasset Tuesday afternoon. I was shocked. But not as shocked as I was when I saw the enormous line waiting for a lobster roll/fried clam platter/any Maine dish out the back of Red's: more pasty white flesh than I have seen since the 1985-86 Celtics released their team photo. My god, I was blinded! Quickly looking away, I resumed my journey. Some new rules:

1) It is not right for an obese (hey, that's me you're talkin' about), white (check), elderly (does 40 count?), out of shape (check again) male/female to wear shorts and sleeveless blouses or t-shirts! It just ain't right! (But I do it anyway...)

well, 1 is a start, anyway.

If you are older than, say, late 20's and drive a Miata, you had better be gay. Because everyone assumes you are. I can't think of a more gay car than a Miata. I believe that down in Provincetown, they have a Miata parade every summer. Just hundreds and hundreds of Miata, in all colors of the rainbow: pink, fuschia, white, fire-engine red, teal (sp?). Basically every color you can think of. If James Dean were alive today, he'd be driving a super-charged Miata.


And speaking of Dean: Just finished "James Dean: The Biography by Val Holley", which first came out in '95. I'm not sure how this bio wound up in my "To Be Read" shelf, but I started it last week. And boy, it was tough sledding: if Kenneth Starr had been assigned to write a book about Dean instead of taking a bite out of President Clinton's ass, this is the book he would have written. It's 279 pages long, and the author spend the first 200 or so quoting folks who had met Dean in his LA/NY/LA days before he became a star, and the last 75 talking about what a jerk he was after he made "East of Eden" and "A Rebel Without A Cause". Very little is mentioned about the filming of two of the great films in cinema history. Holley breezed through their production, and then gets back to the character assassination.

Actually a clue to how the author was going to treat this American icon is revealed in the first chapter, when Holley goes to great lengths in describing a "mentor" relationship Dean had with a gay producer in his first go around in Hollywood, implying Dean was 1) very bisexual (Well...Duh!) 2) very self centered and selfish (Duh!!) 3) was not too bright (This, I don't buy).

Yes, I read the book. But I certainly can't recommend it to anyone interested in James Dean. He may have been a lot of things, many of them not too flattering, but he also made movie history with his starring roles in "East of Eden" and "Rebel Without a Cause".

Also, in his final role, he actually made Rock Hudson appear completely heterosexual in "Giant". Can't imagine Elizabeth Taylor spent too much time in either Hudson's or Dean's trailers, "going over lines."


Is there a word for the naturally appearing phenomena that occurs when you are passing someone on the highway, they realize they are going a bit slower than they would like, your car is just about even with them (you in the passing lane, them in the travel, inside lane), and they accelerate juuuust enough to stay even with you? And you both drive on, even with each other for a few minutes, neither one willing to speed up too much or slow down. You just kind of drive side by side for a couple of miles, trying to pretend that on an otherwise empty stretch of highway two cars driving rightnexttoeachother is not at all wierd or anything? Is there a word for this?

Hope about passaphobia? That would apply to the driver who the other car is trying to pass. He/she does not like being passed, at it implies homosexuality, and always always speeds up when possible to prevent the passing.

But what about the guy/girl in the passing lane? What word describes the person who is willing to go, say, 72 in a 65 mph zone, but not 76, which would allow the passing of the other car to occur. What word would describe this?

Or is their a word that would encompass the whole thing? I am needing to search Wikipedia this evening. This might keep me up at night.



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