Tuesday, August 01, 2006

NO....I WILL NOT LET IT GO..... (cont.)

Warning: This post will be the most vile, disgusting thing you read on the internet all day, so be warned.


If sexual predators are required (in most states) to register with local authorites and have their names, pictures and current addresses available online basically for the rest of their lives post incarceration, why aren't murderers? And why not attempted murderers?

You say that sexual deviancy in all its forms is considered incurable by mental health and law enforcement, and also untreatable aside from monitoring of the perpetrators? Well, when is a person who has committed Murder 1 considered rehabbed? For them, in our society today, they do their time and hopefully walk the line for their parole officer after getting out. Then if they keep their nose clean, no one is the wiser, except employers who will ask about any convictions on most job apps.

Crimes of passion (ie murder on the spur of the moment)? "I was drunk/high/eating too many twinkies and therefore simply had to kill my [insert name of victim here]." These are not valid defenses. Not in my view, anyway. While most normal seeming human beings will have strange and unseemly thoughts form now and then there is a HUGE, MASSIVE difference between the little voice in you head saying "ohhhh....I could just kill someone right now...." and actually doing it. The people that do it have crossed the line, and for them to be considered rehabbed and not the sexual predators, pedophiles, rapists, etc. doesn't make sense to me.

To be clear, the sexual assualt or exploitation of someone is just about the worst thing that can be done to another human. But I would argue that killing that same person is...well...at least as bad. It all goes back to a sense of proportion.

I remember back six or seven years back there being two separate cases being decided in the courthouse in Portland on the same day. I do not remember the names of the people involved or the dates (and the PP Herald doesn't appear to have an archive online), but I recall clearly that the sentences were handed down on the exact same day, back in '99 or '00. The first involved some woman who had killed her baby, put it in a plastic bag and left it on the side of the road. Someone later found the corpse and the cops traced it back to the killer. The other case involved a guy who lived a few streets up from me (I lived on State at the time) who was caught with several hundred (or possibly thousands) of pix of child porn involving, if I can remember correctly, rape, incest, etc etc. Whatever disgusting and puke-worthy stuff sick minds can think of. The sentences as I said came out the same day, different judges, different courtrooms: the baby killer got something like 8 years. The child porn possessor received around 20. So apparently the message was (or at least my twisted mind went through these machinations): kill your baby, put the mangled corpse in a trash bag on the side of the road and leave it versus downloading some god awful, gross kiddy porn: murder (premeditated, though I don't recall the judge alluding to that in his sentencing) was about 1/3 as bad as having the sick pictures.


(now where did i put that daggumit sense o' humor?)

Oh yeah, how 'bout 'dem Red Sox? Great game last night. (Hey, I'm trying to change the subject here. I mean it, I'm tryin'.)

That's three posts in a row that have been awfully depressing to write. I'll try to get happy today...though I hear it's gonna rain...sigh.


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