Sunday, March 04, 2007

Check's in the mail?


So the first two "Low Overhead Club" Fundraising Drives met with limited success.

Actually, the success was extremely limited, as none of you fuckers sent a dime, because other than the occasional "Entertainment Weekly" we have gotten squat here at the 'Pent in the way of checks from our readers.

Not a one.

Not a single one.

You guys really suck, man.


Seeing as how the cable bill is due, again (when did this once every month stuff happen? musta been when the 'Pent was locked up in the "hospital"), we are asking every one of you to send a check if you can so we can stay bloggin'.

Well, maybe not ALL of you. Just the ones who'd like to see this blog continue, with posts like "The Law Firm of...", "Bill Simmons is hosting Saturday Night Live...", and "Blog State", to name just the most recent three.


In that effort we have drafted our local Congressman. Or rather, his staff, since Congressman Allen (D) hopefully doesn't open and sort his own mail (though this is a tiny little state).


Please address checks made out to P-LOC c/o Joe Sweeney and send them to either:

Congressman Tom Allen
1127 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20505

phone to tell him/them it's coming, if you like at 1 202 225 6116.


Congressman Tom Allen
57 Exchange Street
Suite 302
Portland, ME 04101

phone them at 1 207 774 5019 to tell them it's coming, if it pleases you.


Remember: no cash or money orders, since checks are promises, not real money.


Thanks for nothing. So far.


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