Monday, January 10, 2011

John McCain's Weird Comments Post Shooting

The Senator talked about how the shooter was a "disgrace to humanity."

But was there any doubt that the kid was just crazy? Who shoots 19 people, killing 6, other than crazy people?

The problem was easy access to guns, plain and simple.

When any person can possess guns, including a 22 year old nut, clearly influenced by all the right wing conspiracy crap that is easily accessed on the net, with, apparently, nutty parents (according to news reports this am in the NYT), then none of us are safe.

A tragedy that hopefully will spur some important national debate.

I always remember in moments like this, when the gun nuts are holding on to their Constitution, that in the original document black people and women were excluded from voting. In fact, there are hundreds of people alive in this nation who can recall 1920, when women were given the right to vote. The Constitution is a wonderful, important document, but it was written by white landowning males who were a product of their time. I'd like to think that if Thomas Jefferson, that old athiest, were alive today he would be horrified by all the gun nuts using that document to justify assissinations and mass murder.

What a horrible weekend.


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