Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"El Rushbo, executing assigned host duties flawlessly -- zero mistakes here on the EIB Network."

This is an ad that Michael J. Fox made for a Senate candidate in Missouri.

This is what Rush Limbaugh thought of the ad.


Edit: 10/26/06 -- From the Today show.

-- Matt Lauer: "If Michael Fox goes out there politically and puts himself in the fray, he has to expect to be, you know, taken to account, correct?"
-- Susan Estrich: "Correct. And he is being taken to account."
He's being "taken to account" for suffering the effects of the medication he takes for contracting Parkinson's? What is wrong with these people? I do not watch tv news and recommend that you do not, either. But I could not pass up posting this shit from


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