NYT's always enlightening Maureen Dowd weighs in on Obama's wishy washiness concerning the building of the Ground Zero mosque.There was much hope in this country when Obama was elected two years ago, but man, has that all changed for us here in Apartment 404. At least the staff here could all agree that W. was a bit of a tool and a unthinking, brain limited cad. But what do you say about Obama, who has had the opportunity to truly change the world and write a lot of profound history? Instead of taking advantage of the moments he's been presented, he has frittered away political capital by refusing to take tough and possibly controversial stands on most any issue we can think of, from confronting the lackeys in Congress to simply being the moral compass of the nation and world. He. Is. Just. Another. Politician. Without. A. Soul.
We here at The 'Pent began to worry soon after Obama took over the White House. It seemed that the President we elected and the man running things were two different entities. Where was the passion of the man who gave that great speech about the racial divide in our nation? He was gone, trying to appease others and letting us, the tens of millions who elected him, down. With a great thud, we might add.
Obama is just another politician. And that is just about the most damning condemnation we could possibly imagine attaching to the country's first black president. Who could have imagined the guy simply doesn't appear to have the guts of an LBJ, a Kennedy, even a Reagan, to make tough calls and live with the backlash?
We are disappointed beyond words at this point. Can anyone tell us why we should hope the next two/six years will be any better than the first two?
There is a great article by John Richardson in this month's Esquire about Newt Gingrich in which the former speaker's second (he's on his third at the moment) wife points out that Newt basically has no opinions but has lived his life in the pursuit of absolute power. Nothing else. He, according to the woman, will do anything to get ahead. A moral vacuum really. Is that what our President is? Is it a good thing that we can see that? Will things get any better? What will history say about the Presidency of Barack Obama? These are questions that would seem, at this early stage, to contain disappointing yet sobering answers for those interested in pursuing them.