Tuesday, November 30, 2010

On the subject of Internet Trolls: From The Boston Globe

See here

An interesting and sometimes disturbing problem in the internet age. It is truly disheartening to read some of the meanspirited comments posted on many web sites. For example, my local paper, The Portland Press Herald, seems to attract tons of awful, stupid comments on its site. It would be nice to be able to exclude the nasty ones, but where does freedom of expression come in? The answers aren't here yet and it will be fascinating to see if anything can be done about this problem in the future.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good Memories: Alec Baldwin on SNL...

...Doing his Glengarry Glen Ross speech to a bunch of elves.

Made me laugh pretty hard this am. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Something that happened to me a long time ago...

Being someone who likes to beat myself up mentally and also someone whose mind wanders to the long ago happenings of college from time to time, this week I found myself thinking about a girl I happened to know for an hour or two when I was a sophomore in college, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. It was junior year, 1986, and I was returning from school to New Hampshire for Thanksgiving via Cincinnati airport. To get to the airport I scheduled a van to come pick me up at my apartment. When it arrived at my apartment building I got on and sitting to my left was a very beautiful blond female student who simply took my breath away the moment I sat down in my seat. Having been shy all my life, especially around females, I was shocked to find her laughing out loud at everything that came out of my mouth. And I was further shocked at how MUCH was coming out of my mouth. I was actually talking to an attractive girl. My interactions with women to that point in my life had come solely through the use of alcohol, and even then I didn't do so hot. But with this girl, possibly because of the safety of the setting (she couldn't very well walk away from me since we had an hour ride to the airport together), I was doing great. I don't remember what I said or even her name, but I do remember how wonderful it felt that someone so gorgeous felt that I was funny. It was a real high.

We got to the airport and we went our separate ways. I did not ask for her number: that would have taken more guts than I had to offer. The flight home to Logan airport I spent recapping what I had done right, and trying to imprint on my brain everything that we had shared during the van ride.

Returning to campus a week later I soon resumed my duties as student and drunk and came to almost forget about the lovely young woman I had met. That spring I spent a lot of time in record stores in downtown Oxford, feeding my passion for 80s pop music. And one bright afternoon I found myself walking briskly down one of the town's side streets, thinking of the next record I would buy. Lost in thought I was surprised to hear a too friendly for a stranger shout of "Hi!" coming from a woman approaching me. I didn't recognize whomever was talking and I practically hissed a curt "Hi." back at her. Who was this stranger who dared talk to me? My natural state had always been one of distrust of others, and this time it cost me. The woman was the same one from the van ride, but by the time I realized it I had already walked several steps past her. Too shy to turn around and apologize I kept on walking and began cursing myself for being such a shithead. SHE had wanted to talk to ME. And I blew it.


It may seem strange to remember such a small thing from 24 years ago, but since I live a fairly solitary life I often find myself thinking back to better times. The past week, I have been in an outpatient program for people suffering from mental illness and one thing I'm being taught is to not beat myself up as much as I am inclined to. When I remembered the incident with this woman, I found myself feeling proud that I had made a lovely girl laugh at my jokes instead hating myself for not stopping and talking to her months later. That switch, hopefully, may signal a change in my thinking. Less self hatred and more self love.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm Trying...I'm Trying

Getting out of bed at 1 in the afternoon. Barely being able to muster the energy to shave and take a shower. Not being hungry for anything but old pizza.

This is my life today. In fact, if I didn't have to take a piss I would have stayed in bed indefinately. No way for a human being to live.

I wouldn't wish this kind of depression and despair on anyone. This sucks bigtime. I hope tomorrow is better but I am not hopeful. Please let me get some energy from somewhere.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Moment of Clarity?

Spent the afternoon, from noon to 4, napping on my couch, having nothing better to do. The moment of clarity happened when I woke up and got to thinking: No one in their right mind would want to spend any time with me since I am such a slug. I remember how my old girlfriend, many years ago, came home one afternoon and disgustedly noticed I had done nothing all afternoon, much like today. I believe it was that day that she decided to end our relationship. Today felt a lot like that day 13 years ago. What hope is their for the future? Am I going to be alone forever? Is this all there is? Will I have to make due with the life I have today for the next 35 or so years? I hope not, because this sucks.