First, some great televisions shows (nothing too unusual or surprising, as I stay in the mainstream)...
"Glee" - Are you a Gleek too? A can't miss due to the kids more than the adults.
"30 Rock" - The best show on the air. I am in awe of how good the writing is. Tina Fey is a national treasure, as is Alec Baldwin.
"Law and Order" - Having their best season ever, and that is saying something. Where do they come up with the sexy/smart assistant DA's every few years? Every time a new woman joins the show I fall in love all over again.
"The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" - How can any thinking American not watch these two? Must viewing.
"Modern Family" - Loveable characters. Great writing. Not much happens, but the show is damn funny. My question is, "Where do they go from here?" The first season has been wonderful, but will they just keep telling the same jokes over and over again? It will be interesting to see if MF becomes a classic or stagnates.
"Saturday Night Live" - Still funny and relevant. Keenan Thompson kills me. Kristin Wiig less so despite the attempts to make her a breakout star. I think it's a reflection on Wiig that she has not been made co-anchor of Weekend Update yet.
Both Sunday and Monday Night Fooball - The fun of these games is due mostly to Jon Gruden and Cris Collinsworth, two of the best color men working. I will miss Gruden announcing once he rejoins the NFL, as he may be a better announcer than head coach.
Some good new books:
"Let the Great World Spin" - Yes, the hype is justified. A must read.
"Open" by Andre Agassi - One of the best sports autobiographies ever written. I cannot think of a better one offhand. Truly a beautiful and heartfelt effort by Agassi.
"Lit" by Mary Karr - I'm halfway through this one and very much enjoying it, though it may not be quite the classic I envisioned.
"The Art of a Beautiful Game" by Chris Ballard - Disappointment as the writing is not crisp but the author has an obvious affection for the NBA. Recommended for fans of the league.
Movies to see:
"Youth In Revolt" - A wonderful new coming of age flick that had me laughing out loud throughout. Micheal Cera is as easy to watch as any actor working.
"Avatar" - Saw it first on a regular screen and loved it. Saw it again in IMAX 3D and loved it just as much, though I doubt there will be as much repeat viewing as "Titanic" generated, thus I don't see it earning the $2 billion worldwide some are predicting. It was worth the wait, though, so "Thanks!" to Mr. Cameron.
"Nine" - Worth seeing if only to be bedazzled by all the beautiful women in Daniel Day-Lewis character's life. I wish they had made him more likable and also think it might have been more interesting to bring the film, set in the 60s, into the modern world. Good stuff though and recommended.
"An Education" - Terrific, but not worth the hype that is has been generating. No surprises at all in the story.
"The Blind Side" - Any movie that causes me to shed a tear I must recommend. The book by Micheal Lewis was better but this is still an incredible story worth telling, though I'd guess that the husband, a childhood friend of the book's writer, might be miffed he is such a small and insignificant part of the movie.
"Sherlock Holmes" - Fun, fun, fun. A delight.
"Up in the Air" - Recommended, though a slight disappointment. Not really funny, just kind of sad yet interesting characters living messed up lives.
"Invictus" - Recommended, though there are better films out there and Eastwood is capable of more.